Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Cartographic Skills, Lab 11: Dot Maps

This week we learned about Dot Maps.  Above, you can see my example of one.  I had to display the population density of southern Florida using dots.  Each dot represents 20,000 people.  I narrowed it down but using a masking technique.  I made sure the dots only appeared in the urban areas.  As you can see, I included lakes, streams, ponds, marshes, wetlands, swamps and bogs where no one is living to help explain why.

After several mistakes, I learned that turning OFF the masking is very important when you're altering your map design in anyway.  It was mentioned in the lab, but definitely hard to learn.  :)

I made sure my dots were bold and were a color that would stand out from the rest of the map.  In contrast to last weeks lab, we strictly used ArcMap to create this map.

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